Info Pengiriman: Order yang masuk mulai tanggal 28 Maret akan diproses mulai 2 April 2025.

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Tulip Chocolatier Black Compound Chocolate 1.0 kg

Rp 66,000.00

Unit price (no discount)


Tulip Dark Compound Chocolate 1kg is a premium compound chocolate product that is very versatile for all types of bread, pastry and chocolate applications.
Tulip Dark Compound Chocolate is made from premium ingredients and designed for easy use in the kitchen. Our compound chocolate has a high melting point, so it can provide maximum results for all your needs even at hot room temperatures or in rooms without air conditioning. It is our flagship product with unlimited applications.

Tulip Chocolate has been established for 26 years in the Indonesian food industry and has become the product of choice for professionals and home bakers throughout Indonesia.

Sugar, Vegetable Fat, Cocoa Powder, Vegetable Emulsifier, Synthetic Flavor

Shipping & Processing

Stock Availability

  • Orders will be shipped from the nearest warehouse that can fulfill the entire order.
  • Some orders may be shipped from multiple warehouse's which can be identified by seeing the 'Split Shipping' option in checkout.


  • Orders may take up to 8hrs to be picked & packed.
  • Carrier will be booked once the packing process is complete.
  • Shipping times listed at checkout are from when the carrier is booked, not from when the order is placed.


  • Order status can be checked from your account page or via clicking the tracking link in your order confirmation email.

Payment Options

  • Credit Card
    Visa | MasterCard | JCB
  • Bank Transfer (Virtual Account)
    BCA | BNI | BRI | Mandiri | Permata
  • E-Wallet
    OVO | DANA | LinkAja
  • QRIS
    OVO | gopay | Shopee Pay | DANA
  • Pay-Later

Stock is not held until payment is completed.

Payment with Virtual Account must be completed within 20 min of checkout.


Cashback (store credit)

  • Pembelian min Rp 300,000 - Dapat Rp 15,000
  • Pembelian min Rp 600,000 - Dapat Rp 30,000
  • Pembelian min Rp 1,000,000 - Dapat Rp 100,000
  • Pembelian min Rp 5,000,000 - Dapat Rp 500,000
  • Pembelian min Rp 10,000,000 - Dapat Rp 1,000,000

Baca lebih

Delivery Discount

  • Discount Rp50k with minimum purchase of 5kg
  • Discount Rp100k with minimum purchase of 30kg
  • Discount Rp150k with minimum purchase of 60kg
    (or FREE delivery with Paxel where available)

Frequently Asked Questions

Apa itu Tulip Dark Compound Chocolate dan apa keunggulannya?

Tulip Dark Compound Chocolate adalah cokelat compound hitam premium yang sangat serbaguna, cocok untuk berbagai aplikasi baking seperti roti, pastry, dan cokelat. Keunggulannya termasuk penggunaan kandungan premium dan desain yang memudahkan penggunaan di dapur, serta titik leleh yang tinggi untuk hasil maksimal meskipun pada suhu ruangan panas.

Tulip Dark Compound Chocolate terbuat dari bahan apa saja?

Tulip Dark Compound Chocoloate terbuat dari bahan gula, lemak nabati, kakao bubuk, pengemulsi nabati, dan perisa sintetik.

Apakah Tulip Dark Compound Chocolate cocok untuk digunakan di lingkungan tanpa AC?

Ya, Tulip Dark Compound Chocolate memiliki titik leleh yang tinggi sehingga tetap memberikan hasil maksimal meskipun digunakan dalam ruangan tanpa AC atau pada suhu ruangan yang panas. Ini membuatnya ideal untuk berbagai kondisi dapur.

Tulip Dark Chocolate Compound dapat Digunakan untuk Apa Saja?

Tulip Dark Chocolate Compound sangat serbaguna dan dapat digunakan untuk berbagai jenis roti, pastry, dan aplikasi cokelat lainnya. Ini termasuk molding, ganache, dipping, enrobing, serta berbagai kreasi dessert dan saus cokelat.