Ternyata Ini Dia 5 Tips Agar Cokelat Tidak Lengket di Cetakan

It turns out that these are 5 tips so that chocolate doesn't stick to the mold

How do you keep the chocolate from sticking to the mold? There are still a lot of people who have difficulty when facing this problem. Let's see tips from KioskCokelat here!
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How do you keep the chocolate from sticking to the mold? Chocolate is indeed one of the foodstuffs that are very popular with many people. However, the problem that is often encountered when making chocolate is the difficulty when trying to get it out of the mold. This can cause the chocolate to crack or spoil when removed, resulting in an undesired final result.

Through this article, you will learn about tips to prevent chocolate from sticking to the mold. But before that, you have to know the reasons why chocolate is difficult to remove from the mold first. Let's see the full explanation below!

Causes of Hard Chocolate to Get Out of the Mold

Chocolate Is Hard to Get Out of the Mold

There are several things that can cause chocolate to be difficult to remove from the mold, including:

1. Incompatible Prints

Molds that are not suitable for molding chocolate may make the chocolate more difficult to remove. Polycarbonate molds are best for chocolate because they are transparent, durable, help produce glossy chocolate, and have a slower contraction. Although silicone molds can be used, handling the chocolate will be more difficult and the result will be less glossy than polycarbonate molds.

2. Unclean Prints

Excess moisture when printing chocolate is a common cause of chocolate being difficult to remove from the mold. In order to avoid this, be sure to clean the mold the day before using it. Wash the mold in hot water and dry it with a heat gun , then wipe it with a dry cotton swab to ensure cleanliness. Do not use soap when cleaning mold.

Also read: 3 Tips for Using Chocolate Bars for Brownies

3. Less Cold Prints

The temperature of the mold that is not cold enough can also be the reason why chocolate is difficult to remove from the mold. Therefore, make sure the temperature of the mold is not warm by touching it and if it is still warm, place the mold in the freezer for a few minutes. Handling the chocolate for too long can heat the mold and exacerbate this problem, so you should avoid handling the mold for too long.

4. Chocolate Doesn't Harden Perfectly

To make perfect chocolate, you need to give it time to harden before removing it from the mold. However, avoid placing the chocolate in a cooler such as the refrigerator or freezer immediately after making, as this can cause temperature shock and prevent the chocolate from hardening properly until it blooms .

5. Not Well Tempered

To have strong and quality chocolate, it is very important for you to go through the tempering process properly. Well- tempered chocolate will have a firmer texture, a shiny surface, and will contract as it hardens. Make sure to pay close attention to the tempering technique and do it right so that the results are as expected.

Also read: Here Are 3 Chocolate Tempering Methods

5 Tips for Chocolate Not Sticking to the Mold

Tips for Chocolate Not Sticky

Making chocolate yourself is a hobby for many people and has a different taste from other artificial foods. However, the process of removing chocolate from the mold can be a hindrance for those just learning. To produce chocolate that is delicious and perfectly shaped, here are some tips so that the chocolate doesn't stick to the mold.

1. Making sure the chocolate has hardened

Making sure the chocolate has hardened is an important step that needs to be taken before you remove it from the mold. The way to make sure the chocolate has set is to touch it or look at the texture. This is important to do so that the final chocolate is not difficult to remove and has a perfect shape.

2. Cool the Chocolate First

To get the chocolate out of the mold, don't rush it while it's still hot. This can affect the shape of the chocolate and make it more likely to break. It's much better if you wait for the chocolate to cool and harden completely first.

You can chill the chocolate at room temperature or in the refrigerator. However, it is much better if the chocolate is allowed to cool to room temperature. Avoid placing chocolate in the refrigerator as this can affect the taste and texture of the chocolate. In addition, chocolate will also be more susceptible to sugar bloom or even fetdoom .

Also read: Reviewing How to Make a Chocolate Dessert Box

3. Tap Prints

Tapping the mold is one technique to help release the chocolate from the mold. Be sure to lay a soft pad, such as a towel or cloth, on the table before trying this method. If you tap the mold directly on a hard countertop, chances are the chocolate will crack or break when it falls on it. Tap the bottom of the mold gently with the pad, after a few taps, try to get the chocolate out. Repeat this process until all the chocolate pieces are released from the mould.

4. Keep Distance Between Chocolates

To make the chocolate easier to release from the mold, you should keep the chocolates too close to others. When making multiple pieces of chocolate at a time, avoid placing one mold too close to another. This will cause residual heat to form from the surrounding chocolate, which can result in blooming .

5. Push the Mold Down

To release the chocolate from the mold using this method, make sure that the back of the mold looks white. If so, it means the chocolate is not sticking to the mold. Then, position the print at 45 degrees on a table that has been covered with a soft, cloth-like base; use both hands to support the standing mold. When done, push the mold towards the table until all the chocolate is released.

For clearer instructions, visit the following video: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CmJS-SMJcnw/

How easy is it to make the chocolate not stick to the mold? So, if you already know how, let's go ahead and make various chocolate creations using chocolate products from KioskCokelat right now!