7 Perbedaan Ice Cream dan Gelato, Serupa tapi Tak Sama
Pelajari perbedaan utama antara es krim dan gelato, dari proses pembuatan hingga tekstur, dan temukan mana yang cocok untuk hidangan penutup Anda.
Pelajari perbedaan utama antara es krim dan gelato, dari proses pembuatan hingga tekstur, dan temukan mana yang cocok untuk hidangan penutup Anda.
Cocoa butter is one of the components extracted in the chocolate making process. Apart from contributing to the density and consistency of chocolate, cocoa butter also has several other functions....
Blooming that occurs in chocolate can damage the texture of the chocolate and even shorten the shelf life of the chocolate. Get to know more about what fat bloom and...
Cake decoration is always one of the main considerations for customers. Cake decoration is a powerful 'weapon' to pique their interest. Check out a variety of interesting chocolate cake decorating...
Chocolate has come a long way to become a favorite food today. The history of chocolate is divided into three parts, starting from its initial discovery, the spread of chocolate...
The delicacy of cake dishes with a thick chocolate flavor and color cannot be separated from the cocoa powder in it. You have to get to know the various types...
Chocolate is a food ingredient that is widely used to make various kinds of delicious contemporary dishes such as drinks, cakes and desserts . Not only that, chocolate can also...
Compound chocolate for what? Basically, compound chocolate is a cheaper alternative to real chocolate like couverture . So, all that couverture chocolate can do , you can also do at...
Compound vs couverture chocolate is a topic that is still often discussed in the world of cooking, especially baking . Even though at first glance these two types of chocolate...
There are two ways to make chocolate sauce from chocolate bars, namely using the hot method and the cold method. You can use chocolate sauce for various baking purposes ,...
Cookies have always been the easiest selling idea for novice businessmen. Don't get me wrong, you can sell a variety of delicious chocolate cookies even though this dish looks easier...
Customers are always looking forward to new and never-before-seen culinary innovations. You can take this opportunity by selling various chocolate cakes. The cake menu choices that are sold must be...
Chocolate is one of the most sought-after ingredient choices when decorating a cake. Not only delicious, but decorative chocolate can also make your cake look more attractive. Not to mention,...
Are you looking for selling ideas in the form of ready-to-eat chocolate snacks ? Try the pralines , a dainty but no less beautiful and delicious chocolate dish. There are...